Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tiny felted robot: "My head is on fire."

I've been wanting to make more tiny felted things, and today I finally had a chance. This is only my second felting project, and it's my first felted robot. He is 100% wool. (Although i did poke my index finger a few times with the felting needle, so he might also share a tiny bit of my DNA.)

I love the idea of using simple natural materials to make a high-tech little dude. I have a feeling I'll make him some friends.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Robot Painting: Yay, Lightning

I made this while rewatching Short Circuit tonight on Netflix. (It's one of the movies you can watch online on demand.) The last time I saw this movie was in the theater in 1996, and I'm happy to say it still holds up, even if it's a tiny bit corny. I kind of hope the remake never happens.

It's stormy in NYC right now. Maybe somewhere out there, a friendly robot is about to come alive.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New robot painting: I don't have an unfriend button.

I don't have an unfriend button, so once you add me, you are STUCK.

This is a little robot painting about the suckiness of social networking, and more specifically about the jerk who just deleted a friend of mine. I think it's really sad that our society developed a way to end friendships with a click. If someone matters enough to befriend, don't they matter enough to keep around for a while? To maybe talk to? To let them know what's bothering you?

p.s. I think it's funny that the robot turned out a little creepy looking. That was unintentional. But I like to think that even creepy-looking pink-haired robots deserve to meet people (robots?) who won't unfriend them on a whim.

New robot painting: I can almost reach it.

A new little robot painting, for days when it seems like everything worth having is just out of reach. (He's optimistic, even if he has no reason to be.)

i can almost reach it

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy holidays, world.

May your holidays be full of snowflakes and robots and love. :)

I made this year's sparkly, roboty cards with two block prints on 100% recycled paper (yay!) -- one had the snowflakes and one had the robots. They turned out kind of messy, but I like them anyway.

Friday, July 25, 2008